Labworld is an animal feeds laboratory able to analyse and test samples for protein, moisture, minerals, fibre, fat and soya quality to name a few, with results compiled into a detailed report.

The laboratory is run by a team of highly skilled personnel including qualified nutritionists. State of the art equipment is used accompanied by a high standard of analytical methodology. Results are accurate and repeatable within an acceptable turnaround time.

 Analyses Offered

  1. Moisture
    • Oven
    • Karl Fischer Moisture
  2. Protein/Nitrogen
    • Kjeldahl
    • Dumas
    • ADIN
    • Urea
  1. Fat
    • Crude Fat
    • Acid hydrolysis fat
  2. Fat Quality
    • Peroxide Value
    • Free Fatty Acids
  3. Fibre
    • Crude Fibre
    • Neutral detergent fibre
    • Acid detergent fibre
  4. Ash
  5. Starch
  6. Minerals
    • Calcium
      • Calcium solubility on limestone
    • Phosphorus
      • Water solubility on MCP
      • Citric acid solubility on MCP
    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Chloride
    • Magnesium
    • Copper and other micro minerals
  7. Soya quality
    • Urease activity
    • PDI
    • KOH
  1. NIR analysis: includes all available parameters
  2. NIR calibration support
  1. Amino Acids
  2. Total Sugars
  3. Resistant Starch
  4. FAMES and NEM


  • Blue-status (the highest rating available) in the Masterlab Ring Test in line with international standards
  • A-status in accordance with the Laboratory Proficiency Scheme of AgriLASA (Agri-Laboratory Association of South Africa)
  • Audited by Afri-Compliance

Get in Touch with Labworld

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Contact us on:

Contact us for a price list or quote, a sample submission form or any further information.

+27 11 977 7748 | [email protected]

13 Quality Road | Isando | Gauteng | South Africa

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